Welcome to a new
school year at the Montessori Academy!
These are the days when our little ones experience some tears when mom
or dad depart from the classroom or when the child leaves the car. This is fully to be expected but for most
children it does not last long. They
soon get used to their new environment and have a great time learning new
things and perfecting old skills. Many
children have a great beginning, are confident and ready on the first day and
then about the third day they seem to regress and start crying. This is also quite common. They may be wondering to themselves “What did
I let Mom do!?” They also will recover
well from this and have a great experience here. Separation is the first hurdle we pass as we
enter the Toddler environment. After
that we can begin to work on ground rules such as putting work away, walking
feet and soft voices. We will also begin
working on choosing our own work to do, from the shelf, instead of from another
child J.
We are both
looking forward to having a wonderful year with your children!