"The hand is the chief teacher of the child..." --Maria Montessori

"The hand is the chief teacher of the child..." --Maria Montessori

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Snack Preparation

Our process for snack time in Room 1 is a great routine that we practice each day.
We take turns helping prepare our snack each day by cutting fruits, vegetables and cheese.

After our playtime outside or downstairs, we have a short group time where we sing songs and do coordinated group activities. We take turns helping set the table during this time as well. Ms. Twining then sings a song about our shirts while we dance and we wash are hands and get our cups.

We then choose our seat and wait for our friends. We practice sitting quietly at the table with our hands in our laps while we wait. 

We wait to eat until everyone is served and we sing our song. During snack, we have the opportunity to practice many skills, like pouring water from a pitcher into our cups, using utensils like tongs, spoons and spreading knives, to serve ourselves and eat with and cleaning up after ourselves.

When we are finished with our snack, we clean up by scraping our plates into the trash and putting our plates and cups into the dish pan. We then put our placemats away and push in our chairs. 

Snack time is a rewarding and special part of each day! 

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