"The hand is the chief teacher of the child..." --Maria Montessori

"The hand is the chief teacher of the child..." --Maria Montessori

Monday, October 5, 2015

Afternoon Class Now Open!

Our Toddler afternoon class has begun and we have space available with no waiting list! 

We have expanded our Toddler program to afternoons 3 days per week – Monday through Wednesday from 12:30 – 3:15 p.m.  

This program would be great for children who wake early and take their naps in the morning or for children who like to sleep late and take their nap late in the day.

If you or someone you know may be interested in this new afternoon program, please call Kim Bosworth at 574-256-5313.

Play Dough Fun

Play dough is a fun way for children to explore and experiment, sparking their creativity and imagination. It helps assist fine motor development by building hand and finger strength in preparation for using scissors and pencils. Play dough can also be very enjoyable for the senses, especially when scents or textures are added to the dough.

Homemade Play Dough Recipe

1 cup Flour
1/2 cup Salt
1 tablespoon Cream of Tartar
1 tablespoon Cooking Oil
1 cup Water

1. In a medium sized bowl, combine all dry ingredients and mix well. Add wet ingredients to bowl and, again, mix well.

2. Add contents to a large pan and cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly until it forms a ball.

3. The dough is ready when the mixture pulls away from the pan and when the wet parts begin to look dry.

4. Turn the dough onto your countertop and knead it until smooth. It will be quite warm to the touch, so be careful!

5. Add food coloring, glitter, extracts, etc. AFTER the dough has cooled. The color and scents won't "take" as well when the dough is hot/very warm.